Home > FWD:able, Think&Exist > Powerful | Who I am does make a difference

Powerful | Who I am does make a difference

Our respective profiles; be it our Facebook profile, or our real social profile; shows many ‘friends’. Friends made with a click, or made with a smile and a shake. The ‘instant’ nature of everything in our lives, in my opinion, has greyed out the difference between ‘acquaintance’ and ‘friends’.

Every now and then, it is required for us to stop and look around us and ascertain the quality, the value of these ‘friends. Once a value is attributed make sure that the person knows their value in your life and that “Who they are really does make a difference”

This video makes us stop and think, out of so many ‘friends’, who really would we be able to pin a Blue Ribbon with Golden letters??

Stop and have a ponder!

Not many!

(Warning: Keep a box of tissues handy to wipe that odd thing called a Tear, from your eyes!)

Categories: FWD:able, Think&Exist
  1. April 26, 2008 at 10:55 pm

    Thank you for posting that. Now where’s my box of kleenex?

  2. Elaine Volshenk
    May 18, 2008 at 2:37 am

    You are valuebile and precious to both Ouma and me

  3. realfantasy23
    July 10, 2008 at 8:34 pm

    I was searching on google and found about your blog…. Interesting blog 🙂

    Thankyou so much for posting this video, learnt a valueable lesson today 🙂

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